There’s more than one way to build a family and if you need an egg donor, sperm donor, or gestational carrier things can get complicated quickly. Let us simplify it for you.
Our experienced RISE Fertility physicians and dedicated Third Party Team specialize in these complex cases and will work closely with you through each step of the journey.
There’s more than one way to build a family and if you need an egg donor, sperm donor, or gestational carrier things can get complicated quickly. Let us simplify it for you.
Our experienced RISE Fertility physicians and dedicated Third Party Team specialize in these complex cases and will work closely with you through each step of the journey.
Families made with a little
help from friends & science
RISE Fertility partners with agencies and donor banks
across the country to help you find the perfect fit for
your family building needs.
Egg Donor
Egg donors are typically young women with quality eggs, which improves your chances of a successful pregnancy.
Sperm Donor
A sperm donor may be known or may come from one of several reputable anonymous donor sperm banks.
Gestational Carrier
A gestational carrier or surrogate is a woman who carries and delivers a baby for another individual or couple.
Sometimes an individual or couple need more than one of these important building blocks to start their family.
Families made with a little help from friends & science
RISE Fertility partners with agencies and donor banks across the country to help you find the perfect fit for your family building needs.
Egg Donor
Egg donors (ED) are typically young women with good quality eggs, which improves your chances of a successful pregnancy.
Sperm Donor
A sperm donor may be known or may come from one of several reputable anonymous donor sperm banks.
Gestational Carrier
A gestational carrier (GC) or surrogate is a woman who carries and delivers a baby for another individual or couple.
Sometimes an individual or couple need more than one of these important building blocks to start their family.
Working with Parents, Surrogates, & Donors Afar
If you don't live near the clinic or are considering a GC or donor from out of town, it's ok, we've got you covered. We have an extensive network of agencies and donor banks and have worked with patients from all around the world. Your RISE Fertility physician and dedicated Third Party Team will help coordinate and manage all the moving parts of your case to help you end in baby steps.
Common Questions About Third Party Fertility Options
We do a very thorough screening of any gestational carrier you may be considering. This includes reviewing her previous obstetric history, doing blood work to check certain key hormones, performing a uterine cavity evaluation as well as getting a complete history and physical exam.
Coverage for third party cases depends on your carrier and policy, but in most cases they are not covered. At RISE Fertility, our unique financial consultation process will help you navigate the costs of fertility care and review your insurance benefit coverage, while our exclusive fertility financing options help put treatment within reach.
Need a little help building your family? That's what we do best.